South Central Foundation Building
Anchorage, AlaskaArchitect
SPARK Design, Anchorage, AlaskaInstalling Contractor
Watterson Construction, Anchorage, AlaskaProducts
- VaproShield RevealShield in Black
- NorthClad Aluminum Extrusions in Black
- Parklex Phenolic Resin Panels in Copper Color

Project Summary
Radius surfaces that utilize a horizontal cladding panel can be a big challenge. The Architect did a fantastic job of combining a high performance open joint rainscreen cladding over a breathable air barrier system that provided a beautifully warm element to this building. The challenge was to figure out the right panel layout to give a random look but also take into consideration the installation challenges that come with a look like this. The random pattern combined with the radius wall was still a challenge, and the installers did a fantastic job of working thru them to produce an awesome look!