Kuukpik Corporation Headquarters
Anchorage, AlaskaArchitect
KPB Architects, Anchorage AlaskaInstalling Contractor
Criterion CompanyProducts
- NorthClad AL Perforated Panels at Garage
- NorthClad DS Perforated Image Panels

Project Summary
The Native Village of Nuiqsut is situated on the Colville River (Inupiat: Kuukpik), is one of the northernmost major rivers in Alaska, which flows into the Beaufort Sea in the Arctic Ocean. The Kuukpik Native Corporation and KPB Architects creatively incorporated a photograph of the Kuukpik River Valley into an image perforation panel on the NE corner of their new Headquarters Building in Anchorage. The image perforation panels from NorthClad also served in conjunction with NorthClad’s standard AL perforated panel to give the needed free air space required for the parking Garage at the base of the new building