Seward Library
Seward, AlaskaArchitect
ECI Hyer Architects, Anchorage, AlaskaInstalling Contractor
Carve Construction, Anchorage, AlaskaProducts
- VaproShield WallShield
- Millenium Stainless Steel Tiles in Peacock Color
- NorthClad ACM Panels at Fascia

Project Summary
Noted for unmatched scenery in a coastal town, Seward Alaska is also perched at the edge of the Gulf of Alaska and dishes out more than its share severe weather. That said, the heavy rain with salt laden air is no match for the Millennium Stainless Steel colored tiles. The wall systems was design completely around rain screen construction principals and the architect did a wonderful job of bringing material that are indigenous to the area (stone face) and combining with incredibly weather resistant products that bring bright and spirit lifting colors to a town that can be described and very “grey” throughout the year.